Watch the Obamas Try to Dance “Thriller”—and Then Get Shown Up
November 1, 2016

We know, we know, it’s now officially the day after Halloween. But when a video of President Obama and the First Lady attempting to do the “Thriller” dance surfaces, it needs to be shared, November 1 be damned.

As part of the White House’s Halloween festivities yesterday, the President and the First Lady indulged in a bit of zombie imitation as Michael Jackson’s song played. True to form, the President refused to display any real dancing talent and let the First Lady take the lead.

But the real stars of the day were students from Rima Faber’s Joy of Motion Dance Center (DT, May 2014). At least these kids know the choreography—and they aren’t doing anything halfway:

I’m assuming everyone’s familiar with the legendary original video. (Whose story line has always confused me—is he a zombie or a werewolf? Did he honestly expect his girlfriend to be OK with such a revelation? Did he seriously take his present-day girlfriend to see a movie of himself as a 1950s werewolf? Does his girlfriend not recognize her 1950s doppelgänger in the movie? Is it all a dream, by the end, or is he actually part cat, judging from his eyeballs? But I digress.) I, personally, prefer the making-of mini-documentary. But maybe now would be a good time to throw in the 13 Going on 30 “Thriller” scene, no? Especially because the always amazing Doug Caldwell, who passed away recently, appears in it.

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