Up Close—Really Close—with David Hallberg
June 11, 2013

With his elegant limbs and dramatic features, it’s only natural that David Hallberg is in high demand with the world of high fashion. The intercontinental ballet star’s latest work, a video for NOWNESS.com (owned by luxury brand conglomerate LVMH) features made-for-film choreography by fellow American Ballet Theatre principal Marcelo Gomes.

The studio performance is certainly a unique viewing experience. DT’s sister publication Pointe magazine describes the clip as Aronofsky-esque with its dramatic, tightly cropped close-ups. As Hallberg says, the experience is “intimate, because the camera is so close, whereas at the Met you have…an audience hundreds of feet away.” Sometimes you see only a hand, a bicep, or Hallberg’s expressive eyes. He also makes use of the studio’s barres and mirror, which feels jarring when dance is usually confined to a stage. It’s an interesting experiment. What do you think?

Hallberg at Work on Nowness.com

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