The Oscars' Top Dance Moments
February 25, 2013

DT has rounded up three show-stopping dance performances from last night’s Rob Ashford–choreographed Academy Awards. What was your favorite?

#3. “Be Our Guest”

After he presented the requisite crude jokes and jabs, the evening’s host, “Family Guy” creator Seth MacFarlane, performed a successful song-and-dance number.. The Oscar-referencing version of “Be Our Guest” from Beauty and the Beast came together beautifully! The dancers’ costumes looked stunning and the choreography (including MacFarlane’s) was tight and well-rehearsed. It got us psyched for the ceremony.

Photo credit: Forbes


#2. Chicago

During a tribute to the decade’s greatest movie musicals, Catherine Zeta-Jones revived her performance of “All That Jazz” from Chicago accompanied by a cast of Fosse-style dancers.

Photo by Mark Davis/


#1. Charlize Theron’s beautiful ballroom routine

Step Up and Magic Mike star Channing Tatum proved a capable partner, but it was Theron who owned this Fred-and-Ginger number to MacFarlane’s rendition of “The Way You Look Tonight.”

Photo by Mark Davis/




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