Editor's Note: The Convention Issue
December 1, 2011

Remember when you attended your first convention? And how exciting (and scary!) it was to take class from a famous teacher? Today, many of the dancers your students emulate from television and the concert stage also teach at dance conventions. What an opportunity it is, for instance, to take class from DT cover girl Brooke Lipton, who makes casting decisions for the hit TV show, “Glee.” In “Red Hot” (page 34), L.A.-based writer Victoria Looseleaf tells how Lipton made a career for herself in the tough professional environment of Hollywood, and she shares the positive influence Lipton has on young dancers as a teacher for The PULSE On Tour and Hollywood Connection.

Conventions can open doors for your dancers—all your dancers, not just those with commercial aspirations. We get excited about the glamour and ambition, but let’s not forget the powerful educational foundation of these events. In this issue, Dance Teacher focuses on what it takes to teach in that setting (“Mastering the Master Class” on page 58) and how your students can benefit (“High Five” on page 28)—including the 2012 Convention Guide (page 70) for easy reference to contact details and other essentials.

How are you celebrating the holidays at your studio? In “Holidays in Every Way” (page 38), writer Nancy Wozny spoke to studio directors about how they reflect the varying demographic interests of their communities. Do you do something unique? Let us know by liking us on Facebook and joining the discussion about ways to make your studio inviting to everyone. And do have a look at “Goods” (page 32) to see our holiday gift suggestions for the dancers on your list.

While The Nutcracker may be consuming your life this month, the new year is right around the corner. If you’re one of the many who resolve to diet or exercise with renewed vigor on January 2, be sure to read “My Personal Fitness Plan” (page 50), where three busy teachers share their health and fitness routines. They impressed us, and we hope they will inspire you.

Here’s to a fulfilling holiday season and fruitful new year,

Karen Hildebrand

editor in chief

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