It’s that time of year again—time to thank a special dance teacher in your life. Tomorrow, the National Dance Education Organization is hosting its third annual #NDEOThankADanceTeacherDay, a social-media fundraising campaign for professional development scholarships.
Students shared their appreciation for their dance teachers during last year’s #NDEOThankADanceTeacherDay.
Here’s how it works:
Donate $10 or more to NDEO’s Thank A Dance Teacher Fund, in honor of a dance teacher who has made an impact in your life.
Thank your teacher by sharing your story on social media tomorrow using the hashtag #NDEOThankADanceTeacherDay. Link to:
Donations will be accepted through the end of 2016. All funds go toward NDEO’s professional development scholarships. Dance teachers working in studios, K–12, higher education and performing arts organizations are eligible and encouraged to apply. For more info, visit:
Photos courtesy of NDEO