Tag: oscars

And the "Dance Spirit" Award for Best Movie Choreography of 2019 Goes To…

Nope, there’s still no Oscar for Best Choreography—but we now get to reveal the winner of our own Dance Spirit award for Best Movie Choreography of 2019! Though we’re big fans of all seven of the nominated choreographers, and think each one deserves to be acknowledged for their contributions to some of our favorite films […]

There’s Still No Oscar for Best Choreography, So We’re Giving Out Our Own Award—With the Help of Your Votes

2019’s movies featured some truly fantastic dancing, thanks to the hard work of many talented choreographers. But you won’t see any of those brilliant artists recognized at the Academy Awards. And we’re (still) not OK with that. So we’re taking matters into our own jazz hands. On February 7—just before the Oscars ceremony—we’ll present a […]

3 Dance Moments from the Oscars That Almost Distracted You from the “Best Picture” Mess-Up

As a dancer and choreographer, I watch the Oscars less for the glamorous dresses and thank-you speeches and more for the always-paltry-in-number dance clips. (The Tony Awards are really where the dance performances are, amirite?) But last night’s Academy Award broadcast—in addition to a real-life, surprise-twist ending that I believe lit’rally no one saw coming—actually had a […]

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