Tag: claudia schreier

How to Help Your Students Refine Their Musicality

Ask a hundred people what musicality is, and you’re likely to get a hundred different answers. “Musicality is where an artist’s personality shines brightest,” says Smuin Contemporary Ballet member Ben Needham-Wood. For American Ballet Theatre soloist Skylar Brandt, “it’s what distinguishes one dancer from another. It helps me express myself more vividly and emotionally.” Teachers […]

What to Watch: This New PBS Doc Tracks the Creation of DTH's Work Honoring the Arrival of Africans in North America

Back to your routine after the holidays, but still looking for something to watch? Then this new PBS documentary titled Dancing on the Shoulders of Giants is for you. The hour-long film tracks the creation of two dance pieces: Claudia Schreier‘s Passage for Dance Theatre of Harlem, and Sir Richard Alston’s Arrived featuring students of […]

Damian Woetzel Celebrates 10 Years with Vail International Dance Festival

When Damian Woetzel came to Vail a decade ago as artistic director, he brought the vision of creating an open artistic community. “Dancers often go to festival gigs, arrive with their music and costumes, perform, get the check and go,” says Woetzel. “It’s very normal and efficient. But I was always more interested in collaborations, […]

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