Super Bowl 2013: Can Dance Skills Predict the Winner?
January 30, 2013

There’s something so entertaining about watching huge, professional football players bust a move. You’ve probably seen Baltimore Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis’ signature “squirrel dance” by now. It’s just a little get-pumped breakdown he does before every game to fire up his teammates. Stars at the SAG Awards tried it, the mayor of Denver recently performed it as part of a bet following the Denver Broncos’ playoff loss to the Ravens, and you, too, can learn the squirrel dance, with this simple step-by-step video series. Step one? Find some grass and slam it against your chest, of course.

But the Niners have some pretty sweet moves up their sleeves, too. If agility is any indicator of success on the football field (and rumor has it it is), Ray Lewis’ Ravens may have something to worry about come Sunday. In the video below, three of San Francisco’s offensive linemen work up a sweat learning choreography from the video game Just Dance 4. (The best part is their surprisingly coordinated finale in unison to “What Makes You Beautiful” by boy band One Direction.) Who do you think will win the big game this weekend? That is, who will come in second to Beyoncé?


Photo by Mitch Stringer/US PRESSWIRE

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