September 2009
September 1, 2009

In a Different League

Dance gains new prestige as top universities recognize its academic potential.

Rhythm & Logic

How Billie Lepczyk made dance the one class Virginia Tech students never skip

2009 Higher Ed Guide

Details on 146 college and university dance programs

High Five

Desiree Robbins for Tremaine Dance speaks her mind.

Debbie Allen

America’s celebrated dance teacher returns to the silver screen in the Fame remake.

Teacher Training

Young Audiences Arts for Learning Professional Development Programs


As the weather cools down, students cozy up

Creative Grooves

Anne Green Gilbert’s selections for moving beyond the usual

Performance Boosters

Foods to keep you fueled, fit and focused

Bennington School of the Dance

The early home of American modern dance

A Reason to Move

How acting can help dancers of all ages

The Power of Play

How high school educators can use InterPlay to teach students about mutual respect

Smart Marketing

Make your advertising dollars work.

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