University of Wisconsin–Madison marks the 80th anniversary of its dance program, the oldest in the country.
The 2007 Dance Teacher Awards
Congratulations to Andrea Paris, Linda Muir Finney, Tom Ralabate and Freddie-Lee Heath.
Creative Costuming
Savvy solutions for creating affordable performance pieces
Identity Crisis
Does dance belong in the classroom or the gym? Educators weigh in.
Lessons to Go
The unique lesson plans to save for a rainy day
Cultural Encounters
Teachers explain the importance of incorporating cultural dance into their curriculum.
Taking the Initiative
A nonprofit group in Detroit steps up to the plate to foster arts programs for students in need.
Performance Planner: From Screen to Stage
Build your next show around favorite onscreen dance moments.
Hot hip-hop costumes
Christopher d’Amboise
The former New York City Ballet dancer speaks about his most creative project yet.
Ellen Robbins on what she does best—nurturing young dancers
Playing Favorites
Learn to monitor favoritism in your classroom.
Erick Hawkins
A modern dance maverick
Double Duty
What to do when your studio dancers decide to attend a performing arts high school
A Different Kind of Dance
One courageous dance educator’s story of life with breast cancer
Ask the Experts
Answers to your questions about chatty teens and hydration
Lose Your Voice?
Ways to care for one of your most valuable teaching tools
Harness the Power of the Web
Give your site extra bite.
Money Matters
A guide for collecting delinquent payments