Westlake School for the Performing Arts needs your help! The bustling Daly City, California home to nearly a 1,000 students—in dance and vocal training—just learned that it may be forced out of its current location if the city sells the property. Currently, Daly City has no plans to find another location for WSPA.
Courtesy of Spotlight Competition.
We covered this Bay Area ballet powerhouse in our December 2013 issue, getting a glimpse into its six beautiful studios and a closer look at Malu Rivera-Peoples’ teaching philosophy. The school has taken honors at events like the Youth America Grand Prix, where it’s won the “Outstanding School” award several times, and the New York City Dance Alliance Nationals.
Rivera-Peoples with her students. Courtesy of WSPA.
How can you help? For starters, sign the petition to save WSPA online! You can also send testimonials and share a post on social media, using hashtags (#savewspa, #saveperformingarts, #dalycity). You can find more information about how to help here.