Lincoln Center at the Movies: Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater
C Major Entertainment; 2016;
101 minutes; $18.50 (DVD)
Enjoy the soulful dancing of Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater from the comfort of your own home. Included are Alvin Ailey’s choreographic crown jewel, Revelations; artistic director Robert Battle’s humorous solo, Takademe; Wayne McGregor’s Chroma; and Ronald K. Brown’s modern/West African fusion, Grace.
Dance Pedagogy for a Diverse World: Culturally Relevant Teaching in Theory, Research and Practice
By Nyama McCarthy-Brown
McFarland & Company Inc., Publishers; 277 pages; $35
Indiana University professor Nyama McCarthy-Brown proposes ways to diversify dance history courses, ballet technique classes and approaches to choreography, and ways to incorporate Native American dances into dance theory and practice.
MPI Home Video; 2016; 85 minutes; $19.99 (DVD)
In 2010 at age 19, Ukrainian dancer Sergei Polunin was the youngest-ever principal with The Royal Ballet. Without warning, he walked away from the company two years later with no plans to continue dancing. Dancer tells the story of Polunin’s early life, resignation from TRB and his eventual return to dancing.
Motor Learning and Control for Dance: Principles and Practices for Performers and Teachers
By Donna Krasnow and Mary Virginia Wilmerding
Human Kinetics; 336 pages; $32
Understanding the science behind motor function can help amplify your dance instruction and performance. Part dance science book, part teaching manual, Motor Learning and Control for Dance covers motor development, operations of the nervous system and strategies for teaching posture, balance and locomotor skills, among other topics.