New York City Ballet Nutritionist Shares Her Favorite Dessert Recipe
April 14, 2018

Joy Bauer, New York City Ballet nutritionist and founder of Nourish Snacks—a snack brand that combines healthy foods and yummy flavors—gives one of her favorite dessert recipes for dancers: two-ingredient PB-banana freeze bites.

“If you’re craving something sweet for dessert, cut a banana in half lengthwise, spread on natural peanut butter, sandwich the halves together, freeze, and slice into one-inch wheels. This treat is full of potassium (which can help prevent muscle cramps), protein and heart-healthy fats—dig in!”


• 1 medium-ripe banana

• 1 tablespoon natural peanut butter (or any other nut/seed butter)

• Strawberries or chocolate chips (optional)

Serving Size: This recipe makes one serving.

Note: You can add chopped strawberries for a PB&J banana treat. Or sprinkle chocolate chips in the middle.

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