New High School Dance Studio Named for NYCB's Tiler Peck
November 5, 2015

Tiler Peck

Talk about keeping dance all in the family! New York City Ballet principal Tiler Peck just had a brand-new dance room at Garces Memorial High School—where her sister, Myka, is principal and their mother teaches—dedicated to her. It’s a sweet story: Peck, who’s from Bakersfield, California, where Garces is located, originally began taking dance classes at her mother’s studio, Bakersfield Dance Company. At the tender age of 14, she moved to NYC to pursue a professional ballet career and quickly moved up the NYCB ranks to become principal. (Now the Pecks joke that there are two principals in the family—but it’s true!)

The new dance studio

For a small town, Garces Memorial has a robust arts program, including two levels of dance class (taught by Peck matriarch Georgia).

See the new studio and Tiler talking to Garces students in this clip from local Bakersfield news station KGET News:

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