Students of Anne Arundel Public County Schools
Dance teachers unite! DT joins dance teachers near and far over the next few days at the National Dance Education Organization’s national conference in Chicago, at the Hyatt Regency (McCormick Place). The panels, presentations, movement classes and performances start today and end Sunday, November 9.
With so much going on, you’ll want to stay organized—and share your findings! Follow NDEO on Twitter @NDEOdance and feel free to use the official conference hashtag: #ndeo2014. If you have a smartphone, you can download an app to keep up with scheduling changes, real-time notifications from NDEO staff and social networking opportunities with other conference participants. Just search for “16th Annual NDEO National Conference” within the eventjoy app.
NDEO staff member Shannon Dooling
The start of the conference is also the kickoff to NDEO’s social-media campaign, the Thank a Dance Teacher Challenge, running from now until December 2. In order to shine a well-deserved spotlight on a group of hardworking educators, NDEO asks participants to take a selfie with a sign honoring a favorite teacher. (Click here for sample captions for your sign.) Or you can post a video of yourself performing a few dance steps and thanking your dance teachers. Share your videos and/or “unselfies,” as NDEO calls them, via social video with the hashtags #ndeothanks and #ThankADanceTeacherDay.
Photos from top: by Scott Swanson, courtesy of NDEO/Anne Arundel Public County Schools; courtesy of NDEO