Music for Dance Class: Juxtaposition in Ballet Class
November 29, 2001

Artist: Robert Lidstroem

Album: Recitation


“Music choices for me are more about the mix and the differences between them than the music itself,” says Dwight Rhoden, co-founder and artistic director of Complexions Contemporary Ballet. “It’s very valuable in class to switch music up so dancers are able to interpret and make artistic choices even in a classroom setting.”


In his contemporary ballet classes, his music choices range from classical to trance music like the songs on this Swedish producer’s album.  “Trance music is defined as being between 130 and 155 beats per minute. It’s kind of brisk, and I like to use it for allegro,” he says. “This creates an interesting juxtaposition of music and movement.”


To learn more about Dwight Rhoden and his music choices for ballet, check out “Breaking Ballet Boundaries” by Rachel Zar


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