June 2013
May 31, 2013

Editor’s Note: How Do You Define Success?

by Karen Hildebrand

Yin and Yang

Sisters and business partners, Julie Jarnot and Jennifer Owens find the right formula for success in Colorado.

Kickstarting Your Dream

Crowdfunding has brought a new ease to fundraising.

Charles Askegard

How I teach pas de deux

Smart Spotting

Protect your body in acro class.

Face to Face

A Conversation with Eliot Feld

Teachers’ Tools

Up Close with Cindera Che

Zoe Scofield

Music for modern and contemporary


The freshest looks for hip hop and street dance, plus shoes

Ice vs. Heat

Knowing which to use for injury

Lester Horton

The social conscience of the modern dance world

Making a Safe Space

Teachers go to the mat for proper floors.

Time for a Tune-Up

Three small improvements for big impact

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