There’s no such thing as too much inspiration, right? Right! Here are some inspiring posts to keep your motivation for the year ahead high, flexible and balanced, or whatever your New Year’s goals may be.
Dance photographer @jordanmatter’s post is a good reminder to bend over backwards in 2020 (but only if you’re feelin’ it).
No matter what your dance goals are, always come back to the place where the real work happens: the studio.
improving your pirouettes your new year’s resolution? Check out Kentucky Ballet principal Jorge Barani’s perfect form.
If seeing more live dance is a 2018 goal, festivals like @jacobspillow have a great lineup of incredible companies to see.
What’s more inspiring than a classic? Watch @beautiful_ballerinas’ Natalia Osipova dazzle as Giselle.
New year, new attitude? American Ballet Theatre’s Courtney Lavine has the right idea.
This clip from @marthagrahamdance’s winter intensive will motivate you to release what you don’t need. #contractandrelease
These students at @denisewalldance are shuffling into 2018 like…
These students at @denisewalldance are shuffling into 2018 like…
Don’t let anyone dictate what you’re capable of. Case in point: @derekmitchellg’s #40YearsOldAndStillTryingToKillIt.
@northgaschoolofballet’s resolution is literally one every dance teacher wants for his or her students.
And finally, this quirky dance reposted by @nicklazzarini is a good reminder to keep it all—the good and the bad—in stride.