February 2017
January 31, 2017
Luna Dance Institute’s Transformative Approach to Dance Education
By Claudia Bauer
4 Essential Skills for Teaching Artists
By Kat Richter
Barbara Mahler: How I Teach Klein Technique
By Rachel Rizzuto
Ask the Experts: Incorporating Social Media
By Barry Blumenfeld
Health: 3 Exercises to Improve Women’s Partnering, from a Former Pilobolus Dancer
By Andrea Marks
History: Talley Beatty
By Rachel Caldwell
Theory & Practice: The Art of the Transition
By Julie Diana
Higher Ed: Low-Residency Degree Programs Offer Working Artists Flexibility
By Kat Richter
What’s Up for 2017: 7 Studio Owners Look at the Big Picture
By Rachel Rizzuto