Editor's Note: Back-to-School
August 1, 2012

August. The month offers a short break between summer study and competition Nationals and the start of a new school year. However, if you want to squeeze in one more summer event, may we suggest the Jazz Dance World Congress, held this year for the first time in Pittsburgh (see the print or iPad edition for the full story).


I loved hearing the story about how Velocity Dance Center got its start in Seattle. We caught up with co-founder KT Niehoff when she visited New York in May and spent a fun afternoon at Red Bean studios, mesmerized by her fluid movement style as she posed for photographer Matthew Murphy. Velocity has grown and thrived, and Niehoff has moved on to a new space and various dance theater projects (“Reluctant Visionary”).


In this Back-to-School issue, you’ll find a variety of ideas to inspire you for the fall season. We’ve expanded the monthly “Ask the Experts” to include competition advice from studio owner Joanne Chapman of Ontario, Canada, and some thoughts on how to use technology with Barry Blumenfeld, longtime K–12 educator in New York City. Of course, you will continue to hear every month from veterans Kathy Blake and Suzanne Blake Gerety about best practices for conducting your studio business.


Dance Teacher’s publisher, DanceMedia, has a new look: announcing www.dancemedia.com, bringing you the wide world of dance. You’ll find the latest dance videos, contests and news from Dance Magazine, Dance Spirit, Pointe, Dance Teacher and Dance Retailer News—including all the how-to videos from Dance Teacher’s monthly “Technique” feature. Plus, did you know that you can list your performances, workshops, lectures and other events on the DanceMedia Performance Calendar? Check it out.


Speaking of contests, I hope you’ll encourage your students to enter Dance Spirit’s Cover Model Search. Each month’s winner becomes a candidate for the October 2013 cover of Dance Spirit. It’s the opportunity of a lifetime.

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