We couldn’t ask for a better cover subject for the health and wellness issue than the founder of Dance New Amsterdam, Lynn Simonson. Whenever I mention hername, I hear some variation of this statement: “I learned to take care of myself in Lynn Simonson’s class.” It so happens that Simonson was in town during December to conduct her annual New York teacher training workshop, where a new generation of dancers is learning to teach her unique style of jazz dance. In “How I Teach” (page 32), she demonstrates an essential foundation for any technique: proper alignment. The woman is an inspiration. Now in her 60s, the lithe Simonson still has the moves and she literally glows with positive energy and enthusiasm. If this is the result of years of Simonson Technique, then I say: Sign me up! Watch her in action on www.dance-teacher.com. Health is a topic no dancer can afford to take lightly and we address it in Dance Teacher each and every month. In this issue, we’ve approached the subject from a variety of angles, including a college dance wellness curriculum (page 72), a profile on the eccentric creator of Pilates (page 62), and teachers who bring body-mind wisdom (page 38) into the studio. We also address the perennial question of body image (page 54) and the role teachers play in helping young women cope with unrealistic expectations. And there’s much more . . . we offer something in each issue for educators in every setting. Let us know what you find helpful and what you’d like to see more of in the magazine—including questions for Ask the Experts. You can write a Letter to the Editor (e-mail is perfect), or send us a tweet @Dance_Teacher. Have you submitted your nomination for the annual Dance Teacher Awards? This month we will select four educators to honor at the August Dance Teacher Summit in categories of studiosand conservatories, K-12 and higher education. See page 12 for details. Post a video to Dancemedia.com! Congratulations to Maple Conservatory of Dance in Irvine, California, for its winning entry in the Dance Teacher Video of the Month contest. For more about how you can share your expertise, publicize your school and performances and get your work recognized in the pages of Dance Teacher magazine, please see Chat Room, page 10. Here’s to your health, Karen Hildebrand Editor in Chief