Dance on Camera Festival Brings Student Films to the Big Screen
December 5, 2012

The yearly Dance on Camera Festival is a New York institution, screening the latest and greatest in dance films, like last year’s headliners First Position” and “Joffrey: Mavericks of American Dance.”

The Dance Films Association, which cosponsors the festival with the Film Society of Lincoln Center, invites NYC high school students to submit their own dance videos for a chance to be featured in the 2013 festival, February 1–5.  The only requirements are that students be in grades 9–12 and attend high school in one of NYC’s five boroughs, and that films run 1-5 minutes in length, addressing the relationship between dance and camera. There doesn’t even need to be actual dancing in the footage, so long as the film still evokes dance.

The finalists’ videos will be shown at a special student film program during the festival, with the top selection screening at Lincoln Center. Check out last year’s winning entry, “We Three,” by Anna Vomacka, for inspiration, and for further details and ideas.

Submissions are due January 14th!

Photo: from Anna Vomacka’s “We Three”

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