A study shows dance-related injuries in kids and teens increased a whopping 37% between 1991 and 2007. Most injuries were caused by falls or sprains/strains.
Researchers theorize the spike is due to young dancers logging longer hours in the studio and advancing more quickly. We want our dancers to work hard and learn as much as possible, but only when safety is a top priority.
Stay tuned for the latest from DT on maintaining a safe studio environment. In the meantime, here are a few of our best articles on injury prevention. Let’s bring those numbers down!
10 Common Dance Injuries (and how to prevent them!)
Safe Stretching: Five ways to help students properly increase their flexibility
When Bodies Change: Help your dancers stay injury-free during puberty.
Safety First: Maintaining a safe space for your staff members and students
First Aid Kit 101: Prepare for emergencies with a well-stocked studio.
Photo copyright iStockphoto.com/carlo dapino