Climate Change + Dance = the Magic of Jody Sperling
June 2, 2016

At first, climate change doesn’t sound like the type of topic that would lend itself easily to dance. But Jody Sperling (DT, May 2015) is eager to prove that thought wrong this weekend, with her global warming–inspired evening, Polar Rhythms: Dance and Music of Ice. Beginning this evening and continuing through Saturday in New York City, Sperling will present a dance performance alongside post-show talkbacks, panel discussions and kid-friendly workshops with scientists and climate educators.

Here’s a short preview of the performance—prepare to be hypnotized:

If Sperling’s use of fabric and light feels like it’s from another era, it’s because her company, Time Lapse Dance, specializes in the style of modern dance pioneer Loie Fuller, who created special effects with her billowing costumes and colored lighting.

When Sperling was on our cover, she’d recently completed a research trip with a U.S. Coast Guard expedition to the Arctic Ocean. This performance is part of an ever-evolving version of Ice Cycle, inspired by her experience dancing on polar ice.

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