Check out our show!
November 29, 2001

In early April, I wrote about a dance production class that involves a broad overview of what it’s like to put on a performance, including lighting design, costuming, backstage management, choreography, and programming. The final project of the course, which we presented on April 13, was performing a short piece of any dance genre in duos and trios, complete with costumes, a basic lighting design, and a press release.

We had a tech rehearsal in class, followed directly with the 15-minute show featuring seven original dance pieces. It was filmed by our instructor Deborah Damast, and I uploaded several of the videos in case you’re interested what kind of things we came up with, mostly on the fly.

Here are direct links to some of the pieces that were performed:

Leselle Robinson and Jee Yun Hong perform their piece “Ocean Sunrise”

Adam Holms and Megan Philipp perform their piece “Flipper Ballet”

Barbara Angeline, Nicole Frangione, and Julie Garcia perform their piece “Again”

Aya Wallace and I perform our piece “Another Star”

If you’d like more details about the class structure, check out my original blog entry:

I’d love to know what you thought of the pieces, as well as if you have choreographic workshop ideas for older students. Are there any ideas that you’ve used that have really helped inspire creativity? If so, share your thoughts on the Dance Teacher message board.

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