Celebrate National Dance Week with a Flash Mob!
March 14, 2013

In a few short weeks, dancers across the country will kick off National Dance Week, April 26–May 5, with a surprise public performance. Choreography for the second annual NDW Flash Mob event is available now on nationaldanceweek.org. The basic hip-hop combination to “Can’t Stop Me” by Afrojack and Shermanology takes up only about a minute of music, leaving plenty of room to get creative.

Participating mobsters of all ages and abilities are invited to perform and videotape their routine somewhere safe, legal and visible in their hometown on April 27. National Dance Week will then compile the video results on their website so you can see how dancers everywhere approached the project. Last year’s participants represented dance teams, classes and many entire studios. They busted moves in town squares, school gyms, restaurants and even a minor league baseball game. So gather your classmates, students, teachers and dance parents, and get moving for National Dance Week! See the full details here.

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