Back to School
July 29, 2016

Cirque artists, under direction of Aloysia Gavre: (clockwise from top) Nicole Reineman, Lesley Vaughn, Manon Chaney and Sarah Sporich

Were you ever tempted to run away with the circus? These days, dancers don’t have to leave home in order to add aerial and acro skills to their resumés. In Los Angeles, Aloysia Gavre, (“With the Greatest of Ease”), runs a circus arts studio, where she shows the ropes (so to speak!) to fitness buffs and dancers alike. And all those acro tricks you see on competition stages? They require focused training, per Robin Dawn Ryan in “So You Want to Add an Acro Program at Your Studio?” If you’re not currently offering acro classes, there may be an opportunity to expand your curriculum.

Back-to-school season has arrived, along with its hint of fall in the air and nostalgic reports of summer vacations. We’ll be seeing many of you in New York (July 29–31) and Long Beach, California (August 5–7), for our Dance Teacher Summit. And in “When the World Is Your Studio,” we talked with three artists who traveled with groups of dancers to some legendary locations.

What are your goals for the new school term? In “6 Lessons I Learned the Hard Way,” editor Rachel Rizzuto shares the sage advice of studio owners who’ve been in the business long enough to have pretty much seen it all. If you have a lesson to add to this list, we’d like to hear from you.

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From top: by Joe Toreno; by Matthew Murphy

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