Sheila Barker shares her energetic approach to teaching jazz.
Performance Planner: Cultural Exchange
Create a recital exploring the dance traditions of different cultures.
Dance Teacher‘s Musical Top 50
10 judges offer their thoughts on the best—and worst—competition songs.
Cutting Competition Costs
Studio directors share how they save money during competition season—and what they think is worth paying for.
Fun with Fundraising
Fresh ideas to try with your competition squad
It’s a Small World, After All
Costumes to take your dancers on a trip around the globe
Get Into the Act
Tap into one of today’s hottest markets by adding a movement class for actors and singers to your schedule.
Rhapsody in Blue
New York City-based teacher and choreographer Rhapsody James shares a demanding jazz combination.
Pierre Dulaine
A conversation about Take the Lead, the new film based on his experiences teaching ballroom dance to inner-city children.
Ask the Experts
Questions on late payments, multi-floor studios and correcting head alignment
Bob Fosse
This jazz legend injected swagger, nuance and desire into the American musical.
Health Watch
DT takes a look at the role faculty members play in helping college students overcome eating disorders.
Classroom Collaboration
How to convince your academic colleagues to incorporate dance into their classes
Dancing Around the Diet Issue
The truth about 8 popular diets