April 2005
April 1, 2005

A Tale of Two Teachers

Beth Piler and Kathy Willsey’s shared teaching philosophy is the perfect ingredient for studio success.

To See or Not To See

DT tackles the controversial issue of letting parents observe class.

Trick or Treat?

Incorporate acro into your choreography and safely teach your students new skills.

All Abroad!

Plan an overseas tour that your dancers will never forget.

A Taste of the Real World

Guide your students through the internship process.

$ummer $chool

Make extra money during your summer vacation, while widening your expertise and gaining new experience.


Matching costumes for boys and girls.

From Russia to Rio

Former Ballets Russes ballerina Tatiana Leskova on old-school discipline

The Perfect Pirouette

Master teacher nancy Bielski reveals the ingredients for a turn that’s spot-on.

Performance Planner: The Way We Were

Take a trip down memory lane with a “Dance Through the Decades”-themed recital.

Marie Taglioni

A ballerina who shaped the artform at the pinnacle of the Romantic era

Joint Effort

Don’t let pain from arthritis keep you out of the classroom.

Weighing Your Options

Navigate the tricky waters of independent contractor status.

Show of Gratitude

Thank your customers on a ballet-ribbon budget.

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