This week, travelers to NYC’s Grand Central Terminal will have more than just the typical pedestrian traffic to contend with. The bustling station’s Vanderbilt Hall is currently occupied by 30 imposing raffia grass horses by sculptor Nick Cave. And twice a day, they come to life.
Thanks to a crew of dancers from Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, visitors can catch Cave’s swishing “soundsuits” in motion twice a day, prancing through the hall to musical accompaniment. Two performers occupy each horse, and they communicate inside the suit by touches and taps when they will change their equestrian gait or herding direction. Click here to watch dancers suiting up and practicing their trots and gallops.
The Heard NY installation continues through this Sunday, March 31, with daily performances at 11:00 am and 2:00 pm.
Photo: Metropolitan Transportation Authority/Patrick Cashin