4 Reasons You Should Enter the Capezio A.C.E. Competition
May 11, 2015

The June 1 deadline is fast approaching, but there’s still time to enter to win the 2015 Capezio Award for Choreographic Excellence. Simply upload a video of your best group choreography to the contest page at dancemedia.com, and representatives from Dance Teacher magazine and Capezio will select 15 finalists to compete during July’s Dance Teacher Summit. Here why you should definitely do it:

4. If you make it to the finals, you’ll get to spend three days with fellow dance-lovers at our Dance Teacher Summit in Long Beach, California! It’s our favorite event of the year, with tons of industry seminars and movement classes, not to mention the A.C.E. finals and presentations of the 2015 Dance Teacher Awards.

3. Your work will be seen by major players in the dance world. Past years’ judges at the A.C.E. finals have included Mia Michaels, Mandy Moore, Benoit-Swan Pouffer and Katy Spreadbury, to name a few.

2. When it comes to kick-starting your career, you’ll be in good company. Choreographers who have placed at past A.C.E. competitions include Travis Wall, Teddy Forance, Peter Chu, Al Blackstone, Billy Bell and Dana Foglia. More recently, Erica Sobol, Melinda Sullivan, Andre Kasten and Jacob Jonas have taken home cash prizes and are doing big things. If you don’t know their names, yet, you soon will!

1. For new choreographers, the biggest obstacle to showing work is funding. The top-three winners at the A.C.E. competitions will receive $15,000, $5,000 and $3,000 toward the production of their own evening-length shows in New York City. That’s hard to beat.

Visit dancemedia.com/events/dance-teacher-summit2015 to enter.

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