Cake tutorials are really having a moment on social media these days. If you’re like us, you can’t go more than five posts on the explore page without one popping up. Honestly, we’re not mad about it! They’re mesmerizing.
Today we decided to share three dancer cake tutorials with you, so you can take the fun into your own studios. Try them out and bring them to your next studio-wide party. It’s sure to be a hit! Take a picture of the cakes you make and share them with us on our Facebook page.
We can’t wait to see your scrumptiously dancey creations!
1. Ballerina Barbie cake
Ballerina Barbie Cake! Easy Ballet Tutu Cake with Matching Cupcakes!
2. Pointe shoe fondant dream
Ballerina Cake Tutorial!
3. Tutu party time!
Ballerina Cake How To Cook That Ann Reardon Ballet Cake