#BeyoncéAlwaysOnBeat, Meet #OscarDances
May 26, 2016

Y’all remember #BeyoncéAlwaysOnBeat, right? When people put clips of Queen Bey dancing to other songs and she was always. On. Beat.



Turns out she might have competition—from Oscar Isaacs, the actor who played fighter pilot Poe Dameron in the newest Star Wars release. Last year, Isaacs was in a science fiction thriller called Ex Machina. At one point in the film—apropos of little else—Isaacs performs an impromptu disco dance scene with a female robot. It all starts at 0:43 (but beware of strong language):



Okay, so it’s clear Isaacs has moves. (This ditty was choreographed by Arthur Pita, who’s created duets for dancers like Royal Ballet star Edward Watson and former New York City Ballet principal Wendy Whelan.) But it’s when you start putting the dance scene on top of other music that the real magic happens:



And my personal favorite (because it’s to “Hotling Bling,” duh):


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