*Update 6/15: Allen is still accepting donations through her website for another week.
By now, you’ve probably heard the good news: Debbie Allen is hosting a 12-hour digital dance-a-thon, and it’s going to be epic. (Plus, it will be raising funds for dancers, choreographers and dance teachers whose jobs have been derailed by the impact of COVID-19!)
But we’ve got even better news for studio owners: Allen wants you to join her live to talk about how your studio has been handling the COVID-19 crisis.
Dance To The Music—which will be held on Saturday, June 13, 12 pm to 12 am PT, and is presented by Debbie Allen Dance Academy, JaQuel Knight Foundation, Dance Media, AIDS Healthcare Foundation and Annenberg Foundation—will feature performances from top dancers, conversations with celebrities, dance classes with major choreographers and DJ sets to get us all moving. And, possibly, you!
You’ll be joining the ranks of Dolly Parton, Misty Copeland, Billy Porter, Tiler Peck, Mia Michaels, Catherine Zeta-Jones, and more, plus Allen’s co-host: frequent Beyoncé choreographer JaQuel Knight. Enter here by Tuesday, June 9, at midnight ET, and tell us about the creative ways you’ve been responding to the COVID-19 pandemic—and have a link to a recent performance video from your studio at the ready.
The entire event will stream live on Allen’s Instagram, @TheRealDebbieAllen. Before the show, we’ll be hosting “red carpet” conversations on our Instagram page (along with our friends at Dance Magazine, Pointe and Dance Spirit) with some of the stars who are scheduled to appear.
And last but not least: The dance studio that hosts the biggest digital watch party with their students on Zoom or Google Meet will receive complimentary subscriptions to Dance Media magazines and special recognition at the Dance Teacher Awards. To enter, send a screenshot of your video chat and a count of participants to [email protected] by Monday, June 15.
Funds raised through Dance To The Music will go to The Actors Fund, Career Transition For Dancers, The International Association of Blacks in Dance, International Association for Dance Medicine & Science, Dance Resource Center, Debbie Allen Dance Academy, The JaQuel Knight Foundation’s Dancers’ Relief Fund, National Dance Education Organization, Dance/USA, The NYC Dancers Relief Fund and other nonprofit organizations.
See you there!