Attention Dance Researchers! JODE Calls for Papers
November 30, 2016

Calling all dance researchers! The National Dance Education Organization’s Journal of Dance Education (JODE) is accepting research paper submissions for two special issues in 2017.

The first, on reflective practice in dance education, has a submission deadline December 5. The issue will feature articles on reflective practice in teaching methods, curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, evaluation, research, choreographic process, dance writing and rehearsal practices. Articles should be 4,000–6,000 words.

The second special issue will be titled Jazz Dance in all its Manifestations. Submissions are due January 15, 2017, and should cover types of jazz dance and its related forms, especially regarding different styles and jazz pedagogy. Articles may be either in-practice columns (1,500–3,500 words) or features (5,000–8,000).

JODE is a quarterly blind-reviewed publication. Articles include the latest pedagogical research in public K–12 schools, studios and higher education. For more info, visit:

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