Did you know there is an annual contest in which scientists turn their PhD research into dance? Well there is, and it’s even better than you’re imagining! I mean, honestly, if our grade-school science teachers had us turn our schoolwork into dances, we may have enjoyed chemistry a bit more 🤣.
The Dance Your PhD contest, sponsored by Science Magazine and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, encourages eligible PhD candidates whose studies are in a science-related field to express the significance of their work through movement. Sounds like our favorite kind of improv prompt—am I right??
The scientists film their research pieces and upload them to YouTube so we can all enjoy them, and the winners are chosen by an expert panel of both scientists and artists.
This year’s winner is Pramodh Senarath Yapa of the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, and his research explains how the formation of electron pairs regulates superconductivity in metals. Check it out!
Dance Your PhD 2018 WINNER – Superconductivity: The Musical!
To watch more “Dance Your PhD” submissions from this past year, head to this link.