The need to be socially distanced has led us to create virtual dance experiences, but it has also reinforced that online learning cannot replicate in-person education at the studio. As we welcome students back, it’s a good time to emphasize the social-emotional health benefits of learning to dance, the joy of community and physical activity.
Take care to update your studio website with policies for student drop-off and waiting-room usage, plus health and safety information on facility cleaning and use procedures. While you may have had class-size limits set in the past, parents may now be pleased to see a student-to-teacher ratio found easily on your website. In the past, online registration agreements often focused on payment policies, photo/video release and liability agreements. The experiences of the recent past have shown that supplemental policies related to class cancellations, refunds and learning at home may need to be added.
Being transparent is important. You can help your business stay healthy by devising a flexible strategy to address student absences, makeup classes and illness. In particular, consider maintaining a selection of Zoom or prerecorded class options for those who must learn from home, if someone in their family has been ill or if they need to learn remotely. You may find that you can appeal to some new-to-dance customers by offering a series of digital classes as a free trial, so they can experience some of the fun virtually before they come to the studio. Together we can adapt to change and return to normal with a positive spirit and renewed enthusiasm.