Merritt Moore is a ballerina who just so happens to be graduating from Oxford University with a PhD in quantum physics. Is she even human? The jury is still out on that – but the 29-year-old, who earned her undergrad degree from Harvard, has actually found dance to be a powerful tool that assists her in her studies.
Though at times Moore (who danced with Zurich Ballet, Boston Ballet and English National Ballet) has contemplated retiring her pointe shoes, she tells the BBC she just can’t quit, and actually finds that ballet helps her be a better scientist because it allows her to see things from a different perspective. She’s convinced that as more scientists find ways to appreciate and get involved in the arts, they’ll be able to harness that creativity in their chosen fields.
So if you need a fresh angle on that English paper or can’t quite crack that tricky math problem, head to dance class! It might just be what your brain needs.