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Say Wha?!? The Best Things Overheard at the Dance Studio

Kids say the darnedest things, and if you’re a dance teacher, you are privy to some of their best material. We asked around to find some of the most hilariously unfiltered comments made by students in dance classes this year, and shared them here for your entertainment. You’re VERY welcome.

Be sure to tell us your best “Overheard at the Dance Studio” moments over on our Facebook page. We want to hear ALL about them! Enjoy!

1. Student to teacher: “How did you get to be our teacher? Aren’t you like 14?”

21-year-old teacher:

2. Student to pregnant teacher: “If your baby is a boy, I’ll totally date him.”

Pregnant teacher:

3. Student to teacher: “I know why you wear dark lipstick. Because you’re a witch!”


4. Student: “Are you married?

Teacher: “No.”

Student: “But you’re so tall!”


5. 6-year-old student: “Where’s your boyfriend?”

Teacher: “We broke up. He’s dating someone else now.”

Student: “I bet the new girl’s really fat.”


6. Student: “What happened to your forehead?!”

Teacher: “…that’s a zit”

Student: “Oh.”


7. Student to teacher: “Could you teach my mom how to yell right? I listen good when you shout and yell, but when my mom does it, she is crazy and makes no sense.”


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