Dancers Among Us, Now in Bookstores
October 26, 2012

You’ve probably seen Jordan Matter’s photos circulating on Facebook and Pinterest. The New York–based photographer has made a name for himself with eye-catching images of dancers doing typically ordinary things in amazing, dancerly ways, like playing Frisbee, snapping photos or mopping the floor.


Now you can own Dancers Among Us in the form of a lovely coffee table book! Perhaps a gift for your parent volunteers? Or maybe just a reward to yourself for making in through another “Nutcracker” season. And when your guests flip through it and point, awestruck, to an image of someone penché-ing on a floating boogie board, you can yawn and say, “Ah yes, just another day in the life.”


Part of the lure of Matter’s work is the “How did they do that?!” factor. This behind-the-scenes video shows Matter and his gutsy dancers at work, taking risks with the law and their lives to capture the perfect shot!




Photo by Jordan Matter




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